About the Torch Working Studio

GAK’s Torch Working Studio is 560-square-feet and equipped with 12 workstations, each station has either a Nortel Major or Minor torch, a large ventilation hood, and a full complement of flame working and bead making tools. We have a larger borosilicate annealing kiln as well as several smaller bead making or borosilicate annealing kilns. We have a hand torch that is available upon request.

Torch Working Studio Up Close

GAK’s Torch Working Studio is 560-square-feet and equipped with 12 workstations, featuring:

Rent the Torch Working Studio

In order to rent the Torch Working Studio, you must be a current member of Glass Art Kalamazoo. You must also have prior approval from the Studio Manager. To contact the studio manager, please email studio@glassartkalamazoo.org. There is a two-hour minimum to rent the Torch Working Studio. You must supply your own assistant, if desired. You can bring up to 1 additional person for your rental slot. Please review our complete policies and procedures before renting the Torch Working Studio.

Your Torch Working Studio Rental Includes the Following:

Not Included:

*Glass may be available to purchase at an additional cost. Please see the Studio Manager.

Price: Torch $15 per Hour (2-Hour Minimum Rental Time)

How Do I Become A Renter In The Torch Working Studio?

Interested in becoming a flame worker or bead maker and renting our Torch Working Studio? Your path to renting the Torch Working Studio as a flame worker or bead maker starts with our beginner classes. Start by taking a Make It! Flame Working Class or Make It! Bead Making Class. Follow it up with a 9-hour Flame Working Essentials or Bead Making Essentials to further your knowledge and gain enough experience to begin renting the Torch Working Studio. Students completing 11 hours of instruction may be eligible to rent the Torch Working Studio.