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PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE REQUIRED: Students must have completed one “Make It!” Glass Blowing class or equivalent experience.
Glass Blowing Studio.
This is a 2 day workshop,
Day 1: Tuesday, March 18 (5:00-9:00pm)
Day 2: Tuesday, March 25 (5:00-9:00pm)
Tried a Make It! Glass Blowing class but want to learn more? This class is for you. This 2-day course introduces students to the fundamentals of glassblowing. Students will receive an overview of the studio and equipment in the Hot Shop, shop safety, using standard glass blowing tools and shop etiquette. Students learn the properties of hot glass, how to gather out of the 2,100 degree furnace and how to blow bubbles into the hot glass. Students will also learn how to be a good partner/assistant; an important skill when working with hot glass. Although this course is technique-based, students will make 2-3 projects and gain an appreciation for practices needed to work with hot glass.
(If using the “Add To Calendar” button below, make sure the class time for your calendar event matches the time on your ticket!)